Sunday, 1 July 2012

Little red riding hood tells us why she votes for Chavez

Reason No. 1

In 1998, I had had enough of so much misery. I remember that 80% of us then voted for Chavez, but they stole heaps of votes from us. I know this, because I was a witness at a polling station. He's the only president we've had that has worried about educating his people, and developing social missions: Robinson Mission, Rivas Mission; and the Simón Bolívar satellite. Do you know how valuable that is for a people? He has been the only president who has taken the initiative to launch a satellite, and now he's going to launch another one, because he knows that our people need education, health and decent access to food.

¿Who said "fear"?

God has good sense in what he does, given that with the president's illness, those dunces have become so pathetic that they have even made fun of his affliction, revealing their own ignorance. They haven't had the remotest consideration that can be had towards a human being who is ill. They were so stupid that they said the president had to submit a health certificate, in order to register his candidacy at the CNE (National Electoral Council), in a display of evil.
Capriles lifted up his shirt to show that he was healthy and then went on to faint in some other place. He's human too, and we're all exposed to getting ill. He appears to ignore the fact that Chavez was young too, and remains young, given he has a very good mixed indigenous and african heritage, which gives him a lot of physical strength.

Caperucita Roja ("Little red riding hood"), Chacao. 72 years old.  

Photo: Courtesy, PSUV Miranda

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